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Tuesday, March 1, 2022

 Aspiring minstrels and musicians take heed! Farming Tales announces a new contest to create music for their farming game! The music NFT scene seems to be exploding lately with Snoop Dogg crossovers and the introduction of Gala Music, but it’s interesting to see a crowd-sourced music project! And one that includes a profit sharing program with the musicians!

Farming Tales, a farming simulation game that also includes NFTs that guarantee the holders a certain portion of real-life crops, continues to steadily build out their virtual world. Piece by piece they add new sections to the game in preparation for the launch of major features that will kick off the true game economy.

Earn with Music as NFTs

But today, we have something a little different. Utilizing player creativity to help build and shape a game is nothing new, but it’s not often that music is involved. In this case, anyone with an idea and the ability to lay down a music track can submit their creation for a chance to be included as part of the official soundtrack for Farming Tales!

Farming Tales gramophone
play that funky music

The works must be original and will have to go through an evaluation process by the team. Songs that are selected for inclusion in Farming Tales will be minted and sold as NFTs. Musicians receive 70% of the proceeds from the sale and 20% of the ongoing market fees from secondary sales. That’s not a bad deal!

In game, players will have a gramophone in their house, allowing them to select different tracks to listen to while they work their farms. Presumably they will need to stock it with music NFTs, creating a basic market for these musical works.

Keep an eye on the Farming Tales Discord and Twitter for the official music submission form. (I’ll also update this post when we have the link).

Greenhouse Sale

Farming Tales greenhouse
grow seeds, grow!

Farming Tales is also getting ready to have their Greenhouse sale. Purchased with SEST (the primary Farming Tales currency) only, Greenhouses are an excellent acquisition for any gardener. Greenhouses produce Seeds every 24 hours in the form of a Seed Box. Seed boxes contain a random assortment of Seeds. Both Seeds and Seed Boxes can be traded on the secondary markets.

This sale starts on February 27th, at 20:00 UTC and runs in two phases. The first phase is only open to those who hold an Early Adopter Diorama NFT and a Vegetable Garden. The second phase is open to all. Each sale has 500 Greenhouses. You can preview the drop on Nefty Blocks. With a steady creation of NFTs, I imagine these Greenhouses will be highly coveted!

What is Farming Tales?

Farming Tales is a 3D farming game built on the WAX blockchain. Players own stables, gardens, coops, docks, and more. From these they harvest resources for sell and trade in the town of New Waxchester.

grow crops in your own garden

The game is not free to play. You need to own game NFTs before you can start harvesting. All animals require stabling in an appropriate building and growing plants requires a garden. Players must harvest regularly to make the most of their game items. Some items allow harvesting as often as once per hour, while others take many hours to replenish. Finding a good balance for your playstyle and time is important.

However, harvesting comes with a price as well. Each harvest takes food and/or water, which is replenished with CBITs. CBITS can be purchased on external exchanges or earned in-game by staking SEST tokens. Players have multiple avenues for earning which will increase once additional layers and complexity come to the Farming Tales economic system. Coming soon are boosters, acquired via special cross-collaboration promotions with other projects. Players place Boosters into their building to speed up or increase production. Currently the game runs in a simulated economic model, but when the fully economy releases, each type of harvest will produce its own resources, stimulating an in-game market and trading ecosystem.

The Real Farm

On top of the Farming Tales game, there is Farming Tales, the real-life farm. Anyone can claim a portion of certain harvests from the farm by owning special NFTs! This includes honey from hives, saffron from land plots, and future plans for hemp as well! Once the farm harvest is completed, NFT owners have two options. They can either request the goods be sent to them, or they can delegate it for sale and receive a portion of the proceeds!

Even if you don’t own a production source, it’s still possible to acquire special NFTs such as Forager Bees, ‘burn’ them in someone’s hive and receive honey in return!

This is a very cool idea that showcases the power of NFTs, blockchain, and the potential for distributed/crowdfunded projects to thrive without loans and the traditional banking system!

Friday, February 25, 2022

 Chur, Switzerland, 2nd Feb 2022, ZEXPRWIRE, In Play to Earn, players can earn some extra money themselves. They do this by completing various tasks within the virtual world or interacting with it. «Token InfoPort» presents an exclusive list of the biggest and best Play to Earn games. On the first place in our list is a monster game …

Play to Earn” is the name of the ongoing trend among blockchain games. The principle is tailor-made for the blockchain. It is true that in-game currencies and digital valuables are nothing new. However, blockchains offer innovative possibilities, give players more rights and more freedom. Among other things, to sell the goods acquired in the game and thereby earn something.

Free-to-play popular with smartphones

In terms of design, graphics and scope, they cannot yet hold a candle to the usual triple-A games. Most of them can be played on the smartphone. The proportion of “free-to-play” games is particularly high here. Free to Play means that you can download and install the game for free. You can’t earn any extra money yourself with most of them. Here in particular, there are still great opportunities for growth, and the list of play-to-earn games is likely to grow in the future.

Crypto-enthusiastic play-to-earn players

Almost everyone has a smartphone, but not everyone owns a PC or a gaming console. This is especially true in developing countries. According to a study, Asia-Pacific accounts for 56% of all gamers in the mobile market. Not surprisingly, Axie Infinity is currently the most popular blockchain game on the market (1st place in our hit list). Axie is Play to Earn, but not completely Free to Play. Users need a few Ethereum to buy the first Axies. Players breed various monsters (called “Axies”) and pit them against each other in the arena or in adventures.

The Ethereum-based game can be played on popular Android and iOS devices. Each Axie is a unique NFT with its own genetic code. The Axies can be interbred to breed even stronger creatures. Its success has spawned imitators, but entirely different play-to-earn games are also vying for crypto-loving gamers.


Saturday, February 19, 2022

 Pilier du cryptogaming, la plateforme de jeu basée sur la blockchain vient de boucler un tour de table mené par Softbank. Sorte de mélange entre Minecraft et Second Life, elle compte sur les partenariats avec les marques pour se développer.

The Sandbox, le métavers NFT développé par des Français, lève 93 millions de dollars

La topographie de l'univers virtuel The Sandbox.© The Sandbox

Il se pourrait que nous fassions une indigestion de métavers avant d'avoir entamé les overdoses des fêtes de fin d'année. Le concept est parti pour terminer en tête la course aux buzzwords et partager le podium avec les NFT. Les deux se répondent d'ailleurs, comme en témoigne la levée de fonds de 93 millions de dollars que vient de réaliser The Sandbox, qui se définit comme un "métavers NFT" ou une "plateforme de jeu basée sur la blockchain".

Le tour de table a été mené par Softbank, et réunit également Animoca Brands, True Global Ventures, Liberty City Ventures, Galaxy Interactive, Kingsway Capital, Blue Pool Capital, LG Technology Ventures, Alpaca VC, Graticule Asset Management Asia, Com2uS, Nokota, Sun Hung Kai & Co, Sound Ventures, Red Beard Ventures, SCB 10X, Polygon Studios, Samsung Next, Double Down Partners, StakeFish, SterlingVC, et HodlCo.

The Sandbox, fondé en 2011 par les Français Arthur Madrid (CEO) et Sébastien Borget (COO), est un monde virtuel dans lequel les créateurs peuvent concevoir des jeux et les monétiser à l'aide de la blockchain Ethereum, en utilisant les NFT et une cryptomonnaie baptisée Sand.

A l'origine de The Sandbox se trouve Pixowl, éditeur des jeux mobiles The Sandbox basé à Paris, racheté par le développeur d'applications mobiles Animoca en 2018 pour 4,8 millions de dollars. La société The Sandbox s'est construite comme une filiale du groupe Animoca, dans lequel a notamment investi Ubisoft. Elle possède des bureaux en Argentine, au Canada, en Chine, en France et au Japon.

La levée de fonds a pour objectif de soutenir la diversification de l'activité dans d'autres secteurs que le jeu, de permettre le recrutement de nouveaux salariés, de développer de nouveaux outils de création, les partenariats, l'infrastructure technique, et le marketing pour acquérir de nouveaux utilisateurs.

La plateforme propose pour l'heure une suite d'outils no-code destinée à créer des expériences ludiques, que les créateurs peuvent loger dans l'une des 
166 464 portions de l'espace virtuel The Sandbox, comme on choisirait l'emplacement d'une boutique dans une ville. Parmi les outils proposés figurent des solutions pour créer des objets animés en 3D, y rattacher des NFT, et une place de marché pour les échanger. 5% de frais sont prélevés sur toutes les transactions. 500 000 utilisateurs ont connecté leur portefeuille de cryptomonnaie à la plateforme.

Les NFT sont également utilisés comme titre de propriété pour les espaces "fonciers" de cet univers virtuel, qu'il faut acheter comme on achète un terrain avant d'y construire une attraction. Ces "unités de terrain" sont localisables sur une carte virtuelle dans laquelle les joueurs peuvent promener à loisir leur avatar. Deux-tiers de ces terrains ont été vendus à date, rapporte Venturebeat, pour un total de plus de 144 millions de dollars. Comme aux grandes heures de Second Life, les marques se sont approprié une partie des lieux. Square Enix (Final Fantasy, Lara Croft), Atari, Dapper Labs (CryptoKitties, Top Shot), Les Schtroumpfs, Snoop Dogg se sont déjà positionnés, comme 165 marques en tout.

The Sandbox, c'est donc la rencontre entre Minecraft, Roblox, Second Life et le user generated content, autour de la technologie blockchain. On ne parle pas de "métavers" au sens où l'entend Mark Zuckerberg, avec le recours à des casques de réalité virtuelle. En revanche il existe une vraie filiation entre NFT et mondes virtuels.

Dans un univers totalement dématérialisé, les jetons non fongibles sont la clé de la propriété privée, et un support de différenciation pour les utilisateurs. Les marques de luxe, notamment, commencent à s'y intéresser sérieusement pour cette raison. Il n'est pas étonnant non plus que sur un terrain de jeu purement virtuel comme celui des NFT, se développent actuellement bon nombre d'arnaques en tout genre.


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